Timber Sales
If you are looking to sell timber from your woodlot, or need assistance with a timber sale, please see our contractor lists (PDF files) to find a forester, logger, timber buyer, or sawmill contractor appropriate for your needs. If you have a few trees you want to have cut for lumber or other specialty uses, try a small or portable sawmill. Below are additional resources that can help guide you through the process:
- Conducting a Successful Timber Sale (University of Wisconsin-Madison & Wisconsin DNR, 2003)
- Cutting and Selling Timber From Your Farm Woodlot (Solomon, MSU Extension, 1988)
- Getting the Mo$t From Your Farm Woodland (Kidd & Potter-Witter, MSU Extension, 1999)
- Hiring A Consulting Forester (Cook, MSU Extension, 2012)
- How Much are My Hardwoods Worth? (Potter-Witter, MSU Extension, 2005)
- How Much Lumber is in That Tree? (Peterson, MSU Extension, 2004)
- Marketing Timber (Hoover, Purdue University, 2002)
- Michigan Best Forestry Management Practices for Soil and Water Quality (Michigan DNR, 2023)
- Seek Forestry Expertise When Selling Timber (Kidd, MSU Extension, 2012)
- So, You Need Some Cash From Your Farm Woodlot? (Solomon, MSU Extension, 1988)
- Timber Sale Bids (Potter-Witter & Kidd, MSU Extension, 1996)
- Timber Sales Contracts (Szydzik & Gunter, MSU Extension, 1993)
- Tips on How to Get the Most from Your Timber Harvest (Hoover & Seifert, Purdue University, 2002)
- You've Been Asked to Sell Your Timber: What Do You Do Next? (Potter-Witter, MSU Extension, 1993)