WCCD Annual Spring Tree & Shrub Sales - Nurseries & Historical Numbers
We have worked with many nurseries, mostly on the west side of Michigan, for many decades. They are listed below if you are interested to browse their catalogs.
A full Directory of Michigan Licensed Bare-root Tree Nurseries is provided by the DNR. (PDF)
- Alpha Nursery - https://www.alphanurseries.com/ Holland, MI
- Engel’s Nursery - http://www.engelsnursery.com/index.cfm Fennville, MI
- Peterson’s Riverview Nursery - http://www.petersons-riverview.com/ Allegan, MI
- Moser Fruit Tree Sales - https://www.moserfruittreesales.com/ Coloma, MI
- Van Wells Nursery - https://www.vanwell.net/ Wenatchee, WA
- Adams County Nursery - https://www.acnursery.com/ Aspers, PA
- Van Wells Nursery - https://www.vanwell.net/ Wenatchee, WA
- Nourse Farms - https://www.noursefarms.com/ Whately, MA
- Northern Pines Nursery - https://northernpinesnursery.com/ Lake City, MI
A full Directory of Michigan Licensed Bare-root Tree Nurseries is provided by the DNR. (PDF)
Species & Quantities 2019-2023:
We try to rotate popular species year to year, and our quantities are based on demand and our capacity to distribute the plant materials.