The next water screening event is scheduled for:
October 5th from 9AM-3PM
Washtenaw Conservation District Office
705 N Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI (Room 2304)
Water Screening Events
The Washtenaw County Conservation District holds drinking water well screening events to check well water samples for nitrate and nitrite.
The screenings are open to everyone who uses a private well for drinking water.
This service is for private drinking water wells only. Public water supplies are tested regularly. Please do not bring samples from public water supplies or non-drinking water sources. You do not have to use a special bottle for this screening. Any small clean jar will work—one ounce of water is enough. Free sample bottles are also available at the District Office.
Please follow the directions below to sample your well. The Sample Information Sheet is available online. Copies of the information sheet are also available at the District office.
The screenings are sponsored by the Conservation District, the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
For more information contact: Nick Machinski, Washtenaw County MAEAP Technician, at (734) 761-6721 ext. 5.
Sample Collection Instructions
Collect samples just before taking them to the District Office, if possible. Samples must be less than 48 hours old for a valid nitrate result.
All results are confidential. You will be mailed a copy of your results in 8 to 10 weeks, with information about what to do if the concentration of nitrate or nitrite is too high.
Be sure to fill out the Sample Information Sheet completely and bring it with your water sample to the drop-off. A complete mailing address is necessary to receive your results.
The screenings are open to everyone who uses a private well for drinking water.
This service is for private drinking water wells only. Public water supplies are tested regularly. Please do not bring samples from public water supplies or non-drinking water sources. You do not have to use a special bottle for this screening. Any small clean jar will work—one ounce of water is enough. Free sample bottles are also available at the District Office.
Please follow the directions below to sample your well. The Sample Information Sheet is available online. Copies of the information sheet are also available at the District office.
The screenings are sponsored by the Conservation District, the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
For more information contact: Nick Machinski, Washtenaw County MAEAP Technician, at (734) 761-6721 ext. 5.
Sample Collection Instructions
Collect samples just before taking them to the District Office, if possible. Samples must be less than 48 hours old for a valid nitrate result.
- Fill out the water Sample Information Sheet completely.
- Pick a tap that supplies water that does not run through any treatment devices (water softener, carbon filter, etc.). An outdoor faucet often works well.
- Run the water for 20-30 minutes before collecting the sample. This will give the pump time to flush the water pressure tank and plumbing so you can collect a valid sample. Disconnect any hoses before collecting the sample--do not sample through a hose. Rinse the sample bottle and lid thoroughly in the water to be sampled; then fill and cap the bottle.
- Label the bottle clearly with your name, the sampling date, and the well name (cottage well, Mom's well, etc.) using a permanent pen or marker. Bring the water sample and completed Sample Information Sheet to the Conservation District office on the dates and hours listed above.
- Keep the sample dark and cold (on ice or refrigerated) until it is dropped off.
All results are confidential. You will be mailed a copy of your results in 8 to 10 weeks, with information about what to do if the concentration of nitrate or nitrite is too high.
Be sure to fill out the Sample Information Sheet completely and bring it with your water sample to the drop-off. A complete mailing address is necessary to receive your results.